About Us > Fadilla Octaviani, S.H.
Fadilla Octaviani, S.H.
Fadilla Octaviani, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of the Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative, is an expert in the field of marine and fisheries with extensive experience in handling transnational organized fisheries crime cases, especially those related to IUU fishing. Currently, Fadilla is managing several projects to ensure human rights protection and empowerment for ocean-dependent people in Indonesia, particularly Indonesian migrant fishers.
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Recently, she was the writing team coordinator for a report titled “Portrait of Work Vulnerability of Fishery Crews on Foreign Vessels: Legal, Human Rights, and Institutional Assessment” (August 2022), as well as the co-author of T20 Policy Brief on “Integrating Blue Foods into Food System Policy and Practice” (August 2022). Before IOJI, Fadilla was a special advisor in the Indonesia Presidential Task Force to Combat Illegal Fishing and team coordinator for a project on the analysis and evaluation of ex-foreign fishing vessels under the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.